Toiletries Amnesty lists a directory of charitable organisations and community groups who are in need of toiletries and hygiene products. To register your organisation for free, you first need to create an account.

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If you know of an organisation that you think should be included in the directory, let them know about Toiletries Amnesty and help them get access to extra things that they need.

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Can you help keep the Toiletries Amnesty directory free to use?

We don’t charge organisations to list on our directory – toiletries and hygiene products are an essential daily need and we aim to provide free access to toiletries to as many people as we can.

Toiletries Amnesty is self-funded. We don’t receive any government funding or subsidies, but continue to support millions of people every year. 

Can you help us continue this vital work? 

Your contribution will make a huge difference, please donate if you can.