The Magdalen Street Pantry
Organisation Type |
Address | St Giles Trust,
The Former St Saviour's Church,
Magdalen Street,
Norfolk NR3 1AA |
How to donate | Please drop off in person after contacting myself, or post to us |
Currently accepting donations? | Yes |
Make arrangement before donation? | Yes |
Times for drop-off/donations | Contact me |
Contact | Layla Jones |
Phone | 07442 818873 | | |
Website | |
What we do | The Pantry offers high quality, nutritious and healthy food to those struggling to feed themselves and their families - those held back by poverty, addiction and mental health issues. We couple healthy food with a healthy shopping experience. Expert advice and personal face-to-face support is on hand from our trained Peer Advisors, who help address the underlying issues leading to poverty. People using the Pantry pay a weekly subscription of £3.50 and in return are able to access an abundance of affordable, nutritious food and added support to help them move towards independence. By coupling healthy food with expert advice, we can empower individuals and families to overcome the barriers they face and break the cycle of poverty. The food distributed by the Pantry is sustainably sourced and would otherwise gone to landfill. The Pantry offers a sustainable model for both decreasing food dependency in lower income families and responding to overproduction. |
What we accept |
Our clients would benefit from, and be grateful for, any of the toiletries listed above.
Accept part-used products? | No |
Making a donation? |
Help us to see where Toiletries Amnesty is making an impact - please fill out this form to let us know what you will donate. Let us know about your donation |